


testimonials • testimonials • testimonials •

“Aaro’s ability to delicately yet powerfully cultivate and call out the healed masculine within you is nothing short of mastery. Her energetic process is more than educational; what she facilitates is a visceral encounter with your highest self. Once you experience and witness that magic, you'll not only feel irresistible to yourself and connected to your truest self, but you will also be delightfully magnetizing to those who come in contact with you.” - Brad P.

Aaro has been an incredible pillar of support in my journey towards becoming a better man. I am a man that strives to understand women more and support their sovereignty - but it has often has been difficult to break old ways of being. Her compassion and understanding has been truly invaluable and I’m a better man for it.

Whenever I needed someone to listen to the trials and tribulations of my relationships, she was there with open ears and a caring heart, holding space and asking the difficult questions to aid in my healing.

With the utmost integrity, she has guided me to see things from a female perspective, helping me gain deeper understanding of relationship dynamics at play in my interactions.

Together, we've delved into my inner conflicts, and she has skillfully led me through unexplored feelings and aspects of myself.

Aaro provided a safe space for me to confront and acknowledge parts of myself that I had previously ignored or denied. This allowed me to learn and grow in ways I never thought possible.

Through her coaching, I gained the confidence to be a fully expressed partner, and she helped me grasp the importance of healthy boundaries as I explored the edges of my being.

I can't emphasize enough how much she has impacted my life positively. Aaro's guidance and support have been instrumental in my personal growth and my ability to navigate relationships with greater understanding and empathy.

- Gerald B.

Her sexual regression meditations are a healing experience unlike anything else. Her wisdom and guidance made me feel… like I could go back into my boyhood and decide what messages about sex and my identity I wanted to carry with me. I can choose what messages I accept and reject from my past - and I really didn’t get that before. The work has been transformative.

- Markus S.

She walked me into manhood. I’m a 52 year old man, but I still needed recognition and ceremony to release my youth once and for all. She helped me learn to hold myself with discipline and integrity. I’m grateful.

- Zach P.

When I met Aaro, I had recently ended a marriage that lacked intimacy. Her ability to hold space and her sense of ritual helped me heal the wounds of divorce.

Through her nurturing wisdom, she helped me regain my confidence, and understand my ability to offer pleasure to women.

She also removed the shame I felt for wanting sex, and allowed me to celebrate my own erotic desires.

I truly feel that through her gentle guidance I have been able to understand and develop my masculinity, and see myself as a worthy partner and lover. I couldn't recommend her more.

- Taylor A.

She’s just a brilliant healer and she’s got no ego in the game. She genuinely loves to help people love each other more skillfully, and learn how to repair when things go wrong. It’s a gift. She’s a gift. She’s been a gift to me and my wife. The most eloquent person I know.

- Leo J.

I was in a less mature, more self-centered phase when I started sessions with Aaro - but I wanted to step into a new role, be a better friend, manage my time and sleep and nutrition better, make peace with my dysfunctional family background, date with more intention... I wanted to do SO much to improve my life - but I was full of internal conflict and I didn’t know how to “Do the Work.”

Aaro took all my inner turmoil, laid it out in front of me so I could get clear, helped me love myself for being so full of beautiful complexities, helped me choose what to work on and how to grow, challenged me when I wasn’t taking accountability for my healing and the ways I had hurt women, and she showed me how to be gentle and brave through self-development.

I’m more patient as a result of the journey with Aaro, and I see all my faults as parts of myself that need loving inquiry. These days I feel capable of looking at my own BS, and making better decisions. These days I know that I’m becoming the man I want to be.

- Adam M.

Aaro introduced me to so many beautiful ways to express love, to honor my wife’s independence, and to re-establish loving vulnerability with my wife. At the same time, she showed me and my wife how to mindfully explore ethical non-monogamy. Simultaneously I began deepening my connection with my wife AND started to have an intensely passionate connection with a new lover, which I needed. After cultivating an understanding of ENM, I found a secondary partner who was totally open to loving me and my family. I never knew it was possible to have so much love.

- Rafi P.

My body didn’t used to feel alive, and I wasn’t sensing it accurately. Aaro very systematically walked me through new ways to feel my own energy. I have the most powerful orgasms of my life after using the energetic training she taught me. I’m way more in tune with my girlfriend’s body. I can tap into this place where I feel every vibration and emotion more clearly, and its changed my erotic blueprint.

- Phoenix Z.

Aaro held up a mirror that let me see where I was failing my romantic partners, and she also built up my ego in healthy ways - so that I had the confidence to change. I was collapsing into helplessness when I needed to take care of my woman. I didn’t really know how to be fully present for a partner - and I didn’t understand why that was essential for the health and longevity of my partnerships. Aaro has been such a careful communicator and a kind and gentle force in my life. She helped me stand taller, and find my source of inner strength. She helped me form a relationship to the ancestors who came before me, who were strong and resilient and made sacrifices - and that knowing gives me strength to show up better as a partner.

- Justin A.

There’s something so incredibly grounded about Aaro. And with the intense and vulnerable work you do with her, that strong foundation is invaluable.

Trust, gentleness, empathy, kindness, generosity is at the core of what she does. These elements work together to make it feel safe to go deep - and confront some of my most uncomfortable and unaddressed issues that had me holding me back and struggling to connect in relationships. The work isn’t easy, but she meets you where you are, and guides you in the process.

- Sanjit S.

Aaro was a clear and kind voice of reason during one of the worst times in my life. She held space for me to express myself and helped me work through emotional conflict that I was having with a partner, enabling me to deepen my understanding of what I really desired out of a relationship.

Her work is an absolute godsend and I would highly recommend anyone and everyone to be her client if you're trying to develop yourself into the man you've always wanted to be.

- Simo Q.

My body didn’t used to feel alive, and I wasn’t sensing it accurately. Aaro very systematically walked me through new ways to feel my own energy. I have the most powerful orgasms of my life after using the energetic training she taught me. I’m way more in tune with my girlfriend’s body. I can tap into this place where I feel every vibration and emotion more clearly, and it has totally changed my erotic blueprint.

- Matt C.

endorsements from the sexual wellness community

As one of my dearest friends and colleagues, I’m sitting here with a huge smile as I write this recommendation. It would be so cliché of me to say words cannot express how incredible she is, but with Aaro, I realllllly mean it. 

She works beyond the words, beyond the verbal, beyond the mental plane. When you work with Aaro, expect to FEEL your emotions and learn to ride the waves with an appreciation for your deep human-ness. Being in her presence will move you into your own intuitive magic. Its beyond logic - it’ll leave you feeling euphoric and ready to take on the world.

When you say yes to working with Aaro, know that you’re here to be nurtured to the point of a full heart, body, mind, and soul blast-off. This woman doesn’t mess around with the importance of love and compassion for your current situation. She’ll guide you back to yourself again and again and help you unpack the layers of your identity, so you can come the loving being you know you are, at your core.

I have personally watched Aaro work her magic with male clients who are in need of support. She doesn’t give you a map, but will instead guide you on your OWN journey to your fullest essence, your fullest expression. This is so you can take charge of your life - and own your sovereignty, your manhood. 

I can’t recommend Aaro enough.

Kelsey Beth, Intimacy Coach & Spiritual Guide 
