My name is


I’M a Relationship & Intimacy Coach for men & Mascs


This is a space for…

Erotic EvolutioN

healed masculinitY


I support extraordinary men (and mascs) to transform their inner lives and sensual selves, create values-driven masculinity, and understand and cherish feminine energy (and energy beyond the binary).

I also support couples and polycules to communicate with sophistication and skill, and thrive in partnership and pleasure.

How will you evolve as you lead and follow, listen and love? Let’s chart your journey.


release. EXPAND. ENJOY.

bring GROUNDED presence & sensual energy to every aspect of YOUR life.

The explorer package

  • You’re excited about sexual self-development work, curious about investing in your communication skills, and want to tap into your erotic energy. You want to be better in bed AND the boardroom. This intro package is for you!

  • This package is 1 month long and includes…

    An Attachment Style Analysis

    1 90-minute Welcome Session to explore your greatest motivations, desires, challenges, and contributions in relationships - both romantic and platonic. This session is going to enable you maximize your inherent assets and play to your strengths.

    3 60-minute session to craft a vision of your wildest, most free, most loving, most evolved and mature masculine self… PLUS a Mind Map to help you plan how you’re going to get there.

    Personal check-ins to make sure you’re making the most of your sexy self-development and applying your learnings in daily practice.


The seeker package

  • You might be the kind of man who wants to hone in and focus on couple key areas, so we’ll start broad and then narrow down exactly the kind of growth that would most enhance your pleasure and satisfaction with life. Maybe its deeper personal embodiment, greater sexual prowess, or stronger foundations for healthy masculinity. Whatever you’re seeking, this package will support your journey towards a more rewarding and exciting life.

  • This package is 3 months long and includes…

    An Attachment Style Analysis

    1 90-minute Welcome Session to explore your greatest motivations, desires, challenges, and contributions in relationships

    11 60-minute sessions to target key growth areas that will support you to feel more sexy, liberated, confident, and at ease - so you can begin to recharge or supercharge your life


    Personal check-ins to make sure you’re making the most of your sexy self-development and applying your learnings in daily practice

    A sexy secret gift sent right to your door


The master package

  • You’ve got the curiosity, the drive, and the passion to transform yourself into a better lover, better partner, and better leader. You’ll uncover hidden desires, learn to love yourself more deeply, explore new sexual skills, step into erotic energetics, learn to navigate romantic relationships with more pleasure and ease, and learn how to harmonize and synergize more effectively with everyone you meet. Become an Erotic Evolutions Master and enhance every aspect of your life.

  • This package is 6 months long and includes…

    An Attachment Style Analysis

    1 90-minute Welcome Session to explore your greatest motivations, desires, challenges, and contributions in relationships

    23 60-minute sessions

    We’ll start by crafting a vision of the man you want to be - for yourself, your family, your peers, and your partners - and then we’ll embark on a journey of transformation. My work is to help you become a man you cherish, admire, and respect in every way. We’ll systematically explore the inner workings of your body, mind, spirit, and relational self, and discover how to magnify your sense of satisfaction and pleasure in life. You’ll feel nurtured, challenged, and inspired through this unique offering.


    Additional growth challenges tailored to you

    Personal check-ins to support your sexy self-development

    An additional 25% discount on a course of your choice

    A sexy secret gift sent right to your door


i promise you can…

Feel sexy, desired, wild, renewed, powerful, connected, embodied, & emotionally secure.

Wake up every day to aN erotically-charged life.

create an ego rooted in sexual lifeforce & YOUR glorious, intrinsic value.

Experience explosive energetic orgasm.

Bring Sexy confidence into the business world & beyond.

Be nurtured through SEXUAL HEALING. RELEASE sexual SHAME. Step into self-love.

Explore the radical possibilitY of mulTiple partners.

Magnetize the romanCE you desire. Cultivate polarity for lasting passion.

Meet feminine power with unshakeable confidence & sensual reverence.

unite spirituality with sexualitY.

feel pleasure as your sacred birthright.

speak from grounded goodness & BEcome AN INSPIRED & INSPIRING LEADER & LOVER.

about you

If you’ve found me, you’d probably love to be more embodied, more erotically expressed, more desired and desirable, and more connected to yourself and your partners. You’d probably like to  

Do any of these sound like you?


You want to become the kind of emotionally-attuned man that feminine partners trust, love, and want.

Maybe you’ve done lots of self-development work, and you want to fine-tune the nuanced communication and relational skills that will allow your feminine romantic partners and business allies to feel safe in the world and truly shine. You’re here to discover even more ways to elevate the collective consciousness. You want to dismantle the sexual patriarchy and literally impress the pants off women with your genuine respect for empowered feminine energy.     

You want to be a better lover and dive deep into the physical and energetic practices that elevate pleasure. 

You want to repair your relationships to masculine and feminine energy - and explore core energies beyond the gender binary.

You feel too needy and anxious in relationships - OR - you cut and run when things get serious. Deep down you want lasting love, but you know something inside you needs to shift. You’re ready for support with attachment style.

Sex and relationships generally go pretty well for you… but you like independence and autonomy… and you want a relationship that doesn’t make you claustrophobic. You want an intact sense of self in relationships.

As a kid you were teased for liking girls, as a teenager you were shamed for being horny, then as a young man you were made fun of for not having enough game or having too much game, and after that maybe you felt judged because you missed the marriage boat - or your marriage ended in divorce. You know there’s a way to rise above deeply-engrained social shame about sex, love, and partnership.

You’re ready for some focused growth after a big break-up. 

You recently divorced and you want a co-pilot while you wade into the new (online) dating pool.

You’re reckoning with romantic or relational missteps of the past and you want to compassionately course-correct and come to a place of self-forgiveness.

You’re ready to explore new territory and experience deep intimate surrender - or take the reins in bed like never before - or go to a play party - or have a threesome. Let’s make sure you know how to build and maintain a secure relational container within which to explore sexy new possibilities.

Maybe the mind-bending relational territory of Ethical Non-Monogamy is calling your name, and there’s radical relational growth ahead of you.

You’re in a moment of transition (what we used to call a “mid-life crisis”). You’re emerging from the patterns you developed as a young man and stepping into a mature masculine identity. We might call this your “Prince-to-King” moment.

You’re taking on the role of an Elder - an evolved and wise leader in your community, responsible for passing wisdom down to younger generations. You want to occupy your seat of influence with all the integrity and grace your years have afforded you. You want to lead from humility and service.

You want to navigate conflict skillfully - and be able to transform difference into curiosity in every relationship in your life.

You want to show up as a secure, healed, safe leader in your workplace - and earn the trust of your team by embodying your values and maintaining grounded energy.

You know the outdated and opressive patriarchal system of yesteryear isn’t really serving you or anyone else, and you want to be part of a social evolution in which everyone feels seen, respected, and honored.

Wherever you are, I’m here to nurture and support your evolution.

Let’s discover, together, what amazing things will come alive when your erotic self is allowed to thrive, and you’re living from deep and grounded energy.

about me

Supporting men to find their peace, power, and presence is my passion.

. . .

I’ve navigated the deepest fears, desires, and motivations of world leaders, business masterminds, hyper-attuned healers, gifted and glorious creatives, romantics and cynics, subs and doms from kinky subcultures, free spirits and neurotic urbanites, devoted tantrikas and average Joes - and I’m elated to have done totally transformational work with all of them. 

. . .

I have a degree in conflict mitigation, and since 2006 have been racking up extensive experience in high-stakes negotiation and peacemaking - navigating nervous systems and egos of all kinds, and creating new connections within bodies and between bodies in order to shift relationship dynamics and catalyze personal metamorphosis.

I’m skilled and trained in erotic energetics adjacent to tantra, somatic techniques for healing and release, ancient erotic rituals from around the world, contemporary attachment theory, relational dynamics and conscious language practices, yogic breath work, deeply spiritual ancestral work, and physical movement practices that make intimacy truly life-changing and life-giving.

Let’s build the internal resources and external skills that will carry you into a sexy and sublime new chapter.

My role is to…

Support the evolution of your whole, healed, masculine self

Show you how to build the most glorious, erotically super-charged life you can imagine with new knowledge, skills, and sensitivity

Gently guide you toward new relational territory that meets more of your deep needs

Challenge you to bravely identify limiting beliefs and write new narratives that uplift you and enable a life full of joy, wonder, pleasure, and satisfaction

Reveal your inherent goodness and worthiness as you become an even more extraordinary lover, partner, and man

How I work

I’m very selective about who I welcome into my practice, and I keep a limited roster of clients: men who are motivated to pursue personal evolution and embody healed masculinity. 

Before you and I work together, let me ask… Are you ready for challenge and change? Are you open to nurturing support through personal growth? Ready to get vulnerable?

If the answer is yes, we’ll explore the practices (science-based and somatically-informed, sensual, primal, and spiritual) that will support your transformation into a more open-hearted spiritual seeker, a sexual force of nature, a more grounded masculine presence - whatever it is you most want to be.

I typically do individual sessions, private retreats for individuals or couples, or large group retreats. For non-monogamy coaching I work with individuals, couples, throuples, and polycules. The majority of my experience is with cis-gendered heterosexual or bisexual men, but I welcome a full spectrum of beautiful humanity into my practice.

So… are you ready? Let’s get busy.

upcomiNg course


ethical non-monogamy, POLYAMORY, & foundations for freedom in love





begin the Journey To A grounded, released, & erotically rich life

No spammy newsletter here. Just an occasional email blast with special offers and insights.

I welcome a full spectrum of beautiful humanity into my practice. The majority of my experience is with cis-gendered heterosexual or bisexual men from urban coastal America - of diverse colors, races, and cultural backgrounds. If this doesn’t sound like you, let me take a beat to honor your perfect sexual self, gender identity, and intersectionality. If we decide to work together, I’ll do the utmost to support your fullest expression. Whoever you are, you are welcome and beautiful. 

My rates are high for many people, so I offer some sliding scale support to clients.

Our team is based in Los Angeles, on lands that have been stewarded and inhabited by Original Peoples including the Tongva, Tataviam, Serrano, Kizh, and Chumash peoples. We acknowledge their systematic erasure, and honor and respect their presence and continued care for the land.

© 2023. All rights reserved.