explore new territory with these inspired & inspiring offerings

RELATIONship SKILLS masterclasses

Does talking about feelings and navigating conflict make you want to hide under a blanket like this guy? Let’s work on that.

Communicating about sex and relationships can be hard - and the deeper your feelings, the bigger your relationship goals, and the more sexy edges you want to push, the more communication skills you’ll need. The same is true for your professional aspirations. The more you want to achieve and the better the business minds you want in your corner, the more you’ll want to lead, rally supprt, and navigate conflict effectively. I want to show you how to express your needs and desires authentically, respond to others with healthy boundaries as well as sensitivity, establish emotional safety, compromise, and handle differences with curiosity. Your erotic daydreams and leadership goals can all become real - with excellent communication skills. Let’s make you a master of deep and lasting connection.


Learn to direct energy throughout your body, feel your heartbeat in every cell, channel unbelievable erotic electricity… and maybe experience full-body energetic orgasm.

Yes, it’s possible. Yes, even for you. Yes, even if your body feels like it has all the energetic resonance of a box of crackers. Through ancient meditation techniques, yogic breath work, and tantric movement practices, you can build deep awareness of the largely untapped erotic energy (I’m talking literal wattage) that flows through you. Explore a new kind of pleasure that makes every part of you tingle and pulse. I’m here to be your guide.


Whether you’re thinking about opening your marriage to get the sexual spark back or you’re curating a complex, conscious circle of paramours, you’ll want to build strong relational foundations that allow you and your polycule to feel safe and sexy.

Ethical Non-Monogamy (ENM) or Consensual Non-Monogamy (CNM) is a multi-faceted relational project - one that can allow you and your partners sexual liberation, relationship longevity, and greater personal growth than traditional closed commitments. ENM can also put you and your lovers right up against your deepest insecurities and attachment wounds, and it can be a lot to juggle! I’ll show you how to open up, get vulnerable, name desires, build clear agreements, and navigate new dynamics with care and skill. I’ll show you how ENM can create deeper satisfaction with your primary partner - and simultaneously let you experience pleasure and intimacy with three, four, or more.


Masculine and feminine… directive and expressive… assertive and receptive… Whatever polarity paradigms you feel with your partner (or within yourself) there’s creative tension there. Let’s turn up the volume on your sexual magnetism.

Your committed partner’s sexual self - regardless of the nuanced love endowed by years of togetherness - may have become mundane to you… and the frisky flirtation that happened at the beginning may have given way to roommate vibes over time. Does your partner still turn you on, and do you still have the drive to pursue? How will you revive the push and pull, the sexy compulsion to chase and charm, the wild surrender and assertive passion? Here’s where I come in - to break down the patterns that have muddled the relational roles, to help you create new sexual dynamics, to reignite both of you with feelings of wanting and being wanted. Let me guide you through erotic and energetic practices to show you just how much sexy electricity is still to be discovered.


In this modern world you don’t kill saber-toothed tigers, push your body beyond the brink, build your house from sticks and soil, navigate by stars, or sleep softly in the grass every night - but its your birthright to feel wild and free, and erotically unleashed.

You’re an animal, right? But how often do you claw and bite, pounce and growl, or feel totally primal and present in your own body? And… are you afraid that you won’t be wanted if you behave like an animal? Would human society simply reject you if you gave into your natural inclinations? Your desire to belong keeps you confined to polite and appropriate behaviors, most likely - and while that is normal and often healthy, you also need space to embody your fullest expression of power, anger, lust - and also softness and sensitivity. Let’s break the chains and set you free. Let’s get you out to nature, re-ground your powerful and primal presence, and see what happens to your masculine sense of self when you experience yourself as wild.


Were you welcomed into manhood in a meaningful way? Have you marked your life’s milestones with meaningful rituals? Whether your transition into your current phase of life was honored or not, here are some words you deserve to hear:

You are a divine expression of consciousness. Your journey of self-realization matters - to you, to your loved ones, to your society. You have an important role to play, and it will change. In each new phase, it is right to honor where you’ve been and what you choose to become.

You may be a deep spiritually seeker or not - but regardless of what you believe, taking in the love and wisdom of ancestors who came before you and powerfully stepping into a new self can change your life forever. Together we can co-create create a ceremony of leaving your boyhood behind - or a celebration of fatherhood, deep healing, a new leadership role, or a decision to call in partnership. Out in nature, in solitude or surrounded by those you love, I’ll guide you through a firelight ceremony with ancient herbs and anointing oil, and I’ll support a process of claiming and calling in your future. Whether or not your family or culture offered you meaningful rites of passage, you deserve them. Let’s honor your place in society and your place in your lineage. Let’s honor your past, celebrate your present, and recognize you as an ancestor in the making.




It takes immense courage to part ways with the past, reestablish your independence, and stand at the precipice of new possibility. I’m here to support you through grief and overwhelm, and help you start your new journey with hope and excitement.

As a Divorce Doula, my focus will be on your rebirth - guiding you gently through the natural contractions and expansions that happen when you become independent from a significant relationship. Divorce can be intense, disorienting, and painful - and you deserve a nurturing presence through this time of transformation. We’ll do emotional integration, somatic release work, future-casting and mind-mapping, and I’ll be your sounding board as you navigate new relationship territory. I’ll support you to find solid ground emotionally, occupy your body in a peaceful and grounded way, and create a glorious new vision for your life and self. I promise we’ll find the fun in your newfound freedom, and empower you to embrace new passions.

What do I mean by “stage-of-life transitions”? Well, maybe you emerged from a profound experience like a medicine journey or a health battle with a new sense of purpose, and you want to re-orient your life. Maybe you’re preparing to step into parenthood a second time around - but want to radically shift the way you show up as a partner and father. Maybe you want to become a respected Elder and embody healed masculinity, to guide a new generation of men. I’ve supported many men through personal evolutions like these. I’d love to hear about your moment, and help catalyze the most beautiful metamorphosis possible, for you and with you.